Careers in Art

As a market on the rise in the globalized world, the artist’s career has proved to be a profitable option for employment, where artists of all categories have been able to earn huge profits from their work. Thousands of people have art as their main source of income others as an alternative source.

Professionals who follow this career need, like all great artists, a deeper theoretical, technical and practical knowledge, no matter what your area of expertise or specialty. For skilled artists employability tends to grow, on average, around 18{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} or more in the next 8 years.

In Canada, the cultural labor force grew 160{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} between 1971 and 2001, which is extremely high compared to growth of 81{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} in the total labor force. Kampanye di media sosial
(SOURCE: Cultural Human Resources Council 2004).

In Italy jobs such as painters, sculptors, designers, and others have had an incredible increase of 38.5{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} between 1993 and 1999.

In Germany the cultural sector had an increase of 20{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} of jobs in the 90s well above the average of 2{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} for the same period.

Art itself was born in Florence, and this is where the greatest artists of history have sought their inspiration and therein lies most of their works which inspire artists today.

By 2014, employment opportunities will increase by 15{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a}, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Artists create works of art that challenge the human mind to think beyond the concrete, or that tell a story in a single image. Art entertains, it intensifies the way we feel or see life. Employing a variety of methods and materials, each artist conveys a message, thought or feeling.



In the United States, there were around 208.000 career artists in 2004. Their functions were distributed as follows:

-Multimedia artists and entertainers 94.000
-Art directors 71.000
-Classic artists such as painters, sculptors, etc.. 29.000
-Other Artists 8.500
-Artisans 6.100

Of the artists who were not self-employed, many worked in advertising and related services, newspapers, websites, books and software companies, movie industry and video services, specialized design, and design of computer systems.

Some of the artists offer freelance services to advertising agencies, design firms, publishing houses and other companies under contract or freelance.


The average annual income of art directors was $63,840 (per year) in May 2004. The highest 10{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} received more than $123,320. The average gain in the area of advertising and related services was $66,900.

The average annual salary of employed classical artists was $38,060 in May 2004, the highest 10{a733c380d15fc359e71c69cf8c137e4042ef30ee6e27d4ac6ab594be400d460a} received on average $68,860.

Following a career in art

Florence has been the place where over the centuries artists seek their professional development because it provides the necessary inspiration in its paintings, sculptures, churches, landscapes, etc..

Markets related to the arts are highly profitable and offer greater financial stability for artists with great technical knowledge. Florence is the city’s art heritage, it’s the cradle of the Renaissance and today it’s the global school for career artists.